Extreme Abuse Surveys

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The Extreme Abuse Surveys (EAS) were created to develop a qualitative and quantitative base of data regarding the accounts of survivors of extreme abuse [1]. Four researchers from Germany and the United States, Carol Rutz, Thorsten Becker, Bettina Overcamp and Wanda Karriker worked together to develop three different surveys to develop this base of data[1].

The Trilogy

The international online survey was divided into three parts. The Extreme Abuse Survey for adult survivors (EAS), was conducted between January 1 and March 30, 2007. The Professional-Extreme Abuse Survey (P-EAS) was conducted between April 1 and June 30, 2007. This survey was for therapists, clergy, counselors and other persons that had worked professionally with at least one victim of extreme abuse. The Child-Extreme Abuse Survey (C-EAS) was conducted between July 8 and October 8, 2007. This survey was for caregivers of child survivors of extreme abuse and mind control.[1]


The main objective of the surveys was gather preliminary data on the nature and extent of extreme abuse. The researchers decided that the most practical way to generate a large number of responses was to announce and conduct an online survey. Survey questions were pretested, and all survey items were confirmed to have face validity. The target population of the study was defined as all survivors of extreme abuse[2].


On January 2, 2007, the server that had the survey faced an intense amount of port scans at low and high ports and attempts to access non-existing server pages. These were carried out on a large scale. This used an enormous amount of bandwidth. The attacks diminished and after three weeks almost ended. In early March 2007, there was an attack to hack into the server, but this failed. Several attempts were also made to obtain the private data of some technicians and surveyors. The EAS survey however was successfully completed on March 31, 2007.[2]


Fourteen hundred and seventy-one participants from more than thirty countries answered at least one question of the EAS. The survey was given in both German and English. Sixty-four percent of 985 participants reported memories of incest and 48% of 977 participants reported memories of extreme abuse before they sought therapy. Sixty-nine percent of 257 respondents that reported secret mind control experiments on them when they were children also reported that they were abused in a cult.[2]

Of 1007 participants in the EAS, 65% stated that they had been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. Higher percentages were found in the C-EAS and the P-EAS. High percentages of physical abuse, sexual abuse from multiple perpetrators and child pornography were found in all three surveys. In the C-EAS, medical evidence consistent with extreme abuse was found in 53% of 80 respondents, psychological symptoms consistent with extreme abuse were found in 91% of the 88 respondents and the symptoms abated when the child was able to tell about the abuse in 78 respondents[1].


Wanda Karriker is a retired psychologist in the United States. She was interviewed on Court TV as an expert in Extreme Abuse. She wrote about the after-effects of extreme abuse in her novel “ Morning, Come Quickly.” Carol Rutz is a healed extreme abuse/mind control survivor in the United States. She wrote “A Nation Betrayed: The Chilling True Story of Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People (2001). Thorsten Becker is a social worker and freelance supervisor in Germany. He served as a case consultant in several suspected cult-related cases in Europe. In 1994, he received the “German Child Protection Award” for his team’s work with severely abused children.[1]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Becker, T; Karriker W; Overkamp B; Rutz, C (2008). “The extreme abuse surveys: Preliminary findings regarding dissociative identity disorder”, Forensic aspects of dissociative identity disorder. London: Karnac Books, 32-49. ISBN 1-855-75596-3
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Rutz, C. Becker, T., Overkamp, B. & Karriker, W. (2008). Exploring Commonalities Reported by Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse: Preliminary Empirical Findings. In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations, J.R. Noblitt & P. S. Perskin (Eds), pp. 31- 84. Bandon, Oregon: Robert D. Reed Publishers.

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  • Becker, T. (2008). "Organisierte und rituelle Gewalt" ("Organized and Ritual Violence"). In Fliß CM & Igney C: Handbuch Trauma & Dissoziation. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
  • Becker, T. (2008). Re-Searching for New Perspectives: Ritual Abuse/Ritual Violence as Ideologically Motivated Crime. In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations, J.R. Noblitt & P. S. Perskin (Eds), pp. 237-260. Bandon, Oregon: Robert D. Reed Publishers.
  • Becker T. & Woywodt, U. (2007). Ritueller Mißbrauch: Auswirkungen der Arbeit auf die Beraterinnen und die Beratung. In: Wildwasser e.V.:Sexuelle Gewalt - Aktuelle Beitraege aus Theorie und Praxis. Berlin: Selbstverlag. (Ritual Abuse: Consequences of working [in this field] on cousellors and counselling)
  • Becker, Thorsten (2008). Rituelle Gewalt in Deutschland. (Ritual Violence in Germany). In: Froehling Ulla: Vater unser in der Hoelle. Bergisch-Gladbach: Lübbe
  • Karriker, Wanda (2003). Morning, Come Quickly. Catawba, NC: Sandime, LTD. ISBN 0-9717171-0-9.
  • Rutz, Carol (2001). A Nation Betrayed. Grass Lake, MI: Fidelity Publishing. ISBN 0-9710102-0-X.